"Interactive art is a form of art that involves the spectator in a way that allows the art to achieve its purpose."

“Co-Interaction” is an Art group dedicated to the implementation of Hi-tech assisted artistic projects.

Members: Svetoslav Kosev, Atanas Markov, Simeon Jelev


Svetoslav Kosev, Simeon Zhelev


The exhibition comprises a series of items based on literature works, the majority of which were inspired by Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, especially its part INFERNO.

The preliminary idea originated when I decided to give a 100 x 70 cm graphic print as a present to artist Petar Lazarov whom I consider a close friend of mine. Then he told me he did not have space to keep a work of this size and suggested that we make a book with specific fold and cut. Subsequently I decided to further develop this idea and combine two means of expression which appear to be quite contrary to each other at first sight. One of them is based on the classical printing technique “lithography” and the other is based on modern three-dimensional graphics. My predilection for lithography derives from the degree I have earned in Graphic Arts. Three-dimensional graphics is what I have been devoted to ever since I graduated from university. I have been interested in it since its dawn. Thus the idea emerged to intertwine several means of expression into one project, unified by literature.

As the basis for the artworks serve objects and images modeled through three-dimensional graphics software. On the other hand, they are interpreted differently in various types of artwork such as:

  • Graphic print created by means of the classical techniques of lithography;
  • Handmade book;
  • Three-dimensional printed sculptured image;
  • Digital print, etc.

The graphic prints incorporate verses from the literature works which they illustrate.

The exhibition displays also the calligraphy examples which are part of the lithographic prints along with ones which were not used in the compositions.

The handmade books created by Simeon Zhelev, which include lithographic prints cut in a particular manner, offer yet another opportunity to expose. The boxes created especially for each work further enrich the idea. Therefore, they are the conclusive final touch to the preliminary concept of this book-based project. It presents other works related to the topic of this project.

Since the models included in the two-dimensional graphic prints are indeed three-dimensional modeled objects, this allows treating them in a merely digital way. For this reason the dragon from Canto 34 is represented in a virtual scene facilitating the exertion of different impact.

In this way, one and the same work is displayed in several ways completely different from one another. This allows the viewer to gain various impressions of the same object in different visual forms.

Svetoslav Kosev